Aktuelle Akademische Positionen:

  • Dekan der Fakultät für Informatik
  • Stimmberechtigtes Mitglied der Abteilungskonferenz
  • Leiter des Forschungsschwerpunktes “Human-centered Cyber-Physical Systems” der Fakultät
  • Prüfungsausschuss für Angewandte Informatik
  • GI-Vertrauensdozent (GI-Botschafter) an der UDE, Campus Duisburg

Wissenschaftliche Interessen

  • Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Cloud Computing
  • Sicherheit und Privatsphäre in verteilten Systemen
  • Systemmodellierung und Domain-specific Languages für verteilte und eingebettete Systeme
  • Context-aware Computing
  • KI-basierte Kontexterkennung

Ausgewählte Projekte

  • DFG Emmy-Noether Forschungsgruppe “Development Tools for Context-based Systems”, in Zusammenarbeit mit DFG SFB Nexus 627
  • DFG SPP 1183, Projekt “Model-driven Development of Self/organizing Control Applications”
  • VisualRDK, graphische Programmiersprache für CPS und Robotik, finanziert durch Microsoft Research
  • CrypTool 2, finanziert durch Deutsche Bank und andere
  • SEVERE, Self-healing Distributed Embedded Systems, finanziert durch das Mercator Research Center Ruhr
  • Peers@Play, P2P-based Virtual World Models, in Kooperation mit der Universität Mannheim
  • AXA DigiMapp, prototyping eines FinTech Systems, finanziert durch AXA AG
  • Secure Cloud Storage, in Kooperation mit LZPD Duisburg, finanziert durch das Land NRW
  • Sprecher des Evonik Research Partnership Program, Forschungsprojekt “Privacy Mechanisms”, finanziert durch Evonik
  • KI-Lives, gemeinsames Forschungsprojekt zu KI in CPS und Edge Computing, finanziert durch das BMBF
  • AR-InGo, augmented reality project, funded by EFRE.NRW
  • EXIST Program, BMBF funding for a Start-Up on “Secure Cloud Storage”

Weitere Aktivitäten und Mitgliedschaften

  • Mitglied der Apache Software Foundation und des Apache Wave Project
  • Mitglied des KDE e.V. und Gründungsmitglied des KDE Projektes
  • Gründer des KOffice Projektes, heute Calligra
  • Co-Founder of the KDE HTML Widget project, the basis for WebKit and most modern browsers


  • “Best Teacher Award 2019”, Fachschaft Informatik (Student Council for Computer Science)

Publikationen (109)

2025 (1)

  • Josten, Malte and Schaffeld, Matthias and Lehmann, René and Weis, Torben
    Navigating the Security Challenges of LLMs: Positioning Target Defenses and Identifying Research Gaps
    In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025)

2024 (5)

  • Carl, Oskar and Weis, Torben
    BitTorrent-based Gossip Learning
    In: 14th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2024), November 19--22, 2024, Oulu, Finland
  • Josten, Malte and Weis, Torben
    Investigating the Effectiveness of Bayesian Spam Filters in Detecting LLM-modified Spam Mails
    In: 15th EAI International Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime (ICDF2C 2024)
  • Zdankin, Peter and Weis, Torben
    Demo: Smartbright: Learning a Physics-Based Model of Light-Scattering With Symbolic Regression
    In: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2024 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers
  • Bernemann, Rebecca and König, Barbara and Schaffeld, Matthias and Weis, Torben
    Hidden Markov Models with Unobservable Transitions
    In: Taming the Infinities of Concurrency
  • Zdankin, Peter and Matkovic, Viktor and Schiele, Gregor and Weis, Torben
    Towards Predicting the Perceived Brightness in a Smart Home Through Symbolic Regression
    In: 22nd IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications WiP (PerCom 2024)

2023 (6)

  • Kummerow, Arne and Weis, Torben
    Towards Distributed Control under Deficient Communication with Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning
  • Schaffeld, Matthias and Weis, Torben
    Modelling Emergent Behaviour for Enhanced Autonomy in Cyber-Physical Systems
    In: Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services - 20th EAI International Conference, MobiQuitous 2023, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, November 14–17, 2023, Proceedings, Part II
  • Becks, Eileen and Josten, Malte and Matkovic, Viktor and Weis, Torben
    Revising Poor Man's Eye Tracker For Crowd-Sourced Studies
    In: 21st IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2023)
  • Becks, Eileen and Josten, Malte and Matkovic, Viktor and Weis, Torben
    Artifact: Revising Poor Man's Eye Tracker For Crowd-Sourced Studies
    In: 21st IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2023)
  • Zdankin, Peter and Picone, Marco and Schaffeld, Matthias and Mamei, Marco and Weis, Torben
    How to Change a Light Bulb in Your Smart Home: A Digital-Twin Based Approach
    In: PDT 2023: First Workshop on Pervasive Digital Twins
  • Yu, Yang and Carl, Oskar and Hussain, Shabir and Hou, Weiyan and Weis, Torben
    A Privacy-Protecting Step-Level Walking Direction Detection Algorithm Based on Floor Vibration
    In: IEEE Sensors Journal

2022 (3)

  • Schaffeld, Matthias and Bernemann, Rebecca and Weis, Torben and König, Barbara and Matkovic, Viktor
    Lifecycle-Based View on Cyber-Physical System Models Using Extended Hidden Markov Models
    In: Proceedings of the 2022 20th ACM-IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for System Design (MEMOCODE)
  • Zdankin, Peter and Picone, Marco and Mamei, Marco and Weis, Torben
    A Digital-Twin Based Architecture for Software Longevity in Smart Homes
    In: 42nd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2022)
  • Yu, Yang and Qin, Xiangju and Hussain, Shabir and Hou, Weiyan and Weis, Torben
    Pedestrian Counting Based on Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor
    In: Applied Sciences

2021 (5)

  • Carl, Oskar and Zdankin, Peter and Schaffeld, Matthias and Matkovic, Viktor and Yu, Yang and Elbers, Timo and Weis, Torben
    Persistent Streams: The Internet With Ephemeral Storage
    In: Tagungsband des FG-BS Herbsttreffens 2021
  • Matkovic, Viktor and Waltereit, Marian and Weis, Torben
    Towards Predictive Safety Maintenance for IoT Equipped Bikes
    In: PerCom Work in Progress on Pervasive Computing and Communications 2021 (PerCom WiP 2021)
  • Zdankin, Peter and Schaffeld, Matthias and Carl, Oskar and Waltereit, Marian and Weis, Torben
    An Algorithm for Dependency-Preserving Smart Home Updates
    In: PerIoT 2021: 5th International Workshop on Mobile and Pervasive Internet of Things (PerIoT 2021)
  • Waltereit, Marian and Weis, Torben
    Bewertung des Fahrverhaltens mittels Radgeschwindigkeiten
    In: Making Connected Mobility Work: Technische und betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden
  • Schaffeld, Matthias and Weis, Torben
    Towards Robust Models of Cyber-Physical Systems
    In: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2021 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2021 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers

2020 (10)

  • Yu, Yang and Waltereit, Marian and Matkovic, Viktor and Hou, Weiyan and Weis, Torben
    Deep Learning-based Vibration Signal Personnel Positioning System
    In: IEEE Access
  • Matkovic, Viktor and Waltereit, Marian and Zdankin, Peter and Weis, Torben
    Towards Bike Type and E-Scooter Classification With Smartphone Sensors
    In: 17th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services, ACM
  • Waltereit, Marian and Uphoff, Maximilian and Zdankin, Peter and Matkovic, Viktor and Weis, Torben
    A Digital Forensic Approach for Optimizing the Investigation of Hit-And-Run Accidents
    In: 11th EAI International Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime
  • Zdankin, Peter and Carl, Oskar and Waltereit, Marian and Matkovic, Viktor and Weis, Torben
    Requirements and Mechanisms for Smart Home Updates
    In: SENSYBLE 2020, 2nd workshop on Smart Systems for Better Living Environments
  • Weis, Torben and Zdankin, Peter and Carl, Oskar and Waltereit, Marian
    Group-based Memory Management in Fyr
    In: Tagungsband des FG-BS Herbsttreffens 2020
  • Yu, Yang and Weis, Torben
    A Privacy-Protecting Indoor Emergency Monitoring System based on Floor Vibration
    In: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers
  • Waltereit, Marian and Zdankin, Peter and Matkovic, Viktor and Uphoff, Maximilian and Weis, Torben
    Online Driving Behavior Scoring using Wheel Speeds
    In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems - Volume 1: VEHITS,
  • Matkovic, Viktor and Weis, Torben
    Towards Enhancing Bike Navigation Safety and Experience Using Sensor Enabled Devices (Ph.D. Forum)
    In: PerCom PhD Forum 2020: 18th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications PhD Forum (PerCom PhD Forum 2020)
  • Zdankin, Peter and Waltereit, Marian and Matkovic, Viktor and Weis, Torben
    Towards Longevity of Smart Home Systems
    In: PerIoT 2020: 4th International Workshop on Mobile and Pervasive Internet of Things (PerIoT 2020)
  • Zdankin, Peter and Weis, Torben
    Longevity of Smart Homes
    In: PerCom PhD Forum 2020: 18th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications PhD Forum (PerCom PhD Forum 2020)

2019 (7)

  • Waltereit, Marian and Uphoff, Maximilian and Weis, Torben
    Route Derivation Using Distances and Turn Directions
    In: AutoSec 2019 - Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Automotive Cybersecurity, co-located with CODASPY 2019
  • Schwittmann, Lorenz and Wander, Matthäus and Weis, Torben
    Mobile devices as digital sextants for zero-permission geolocation
    In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy - Volume 1: ICISSP
  • Waltereit, Marian and Uphoff, Maximilian and Weis, Torben
    Herleitung von Fahrtstrecken aus Distanz- und Kurvenbewegungsdaten
    In: Mobilität in Zeiten der Veränderung: Technische und betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden
  • Weis, Torben and Waltereit, Marian and Uphoff, Maximilian
    Fyr: A memory-safe and thread-safe systems programming language
    In: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
  • Lorenz Schwittmann and M. Wander and Torben Weis
    Domain Impersonation is Feasible: A Study of CA Domain Validation Vulnerabilities
    In: 2019 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P)
  • Matkovic, Viktor and Waltereit, Marian and Zdankin, Peter and Uphoff, Maximilian and Weis, Torben
    Bike type identification using smartphone sensors
    In: Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers
  • Waltereit, Marian and Weis, Torben
    An Approach to Exonerate Innocent Suspects in Hit-And-Run Accidents via Route Reconstruction
    In: IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2019

2018 (2)

  • M. Wander and V. Matkovic and Torben Weis and Michael Bischof and Lorenz Schwittmann
    Towards Comprehensible Explanations of Phenomena in Home Automation Systems
    In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops)
  • M. Uphoff and M. Wander and Torben Weis and Marian Waltereit
    SecureCloud: An Encrypted, Scalable Storage for Cloud Forensics
    In: 2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE)

2017 (3)

  • Lorenz Schwittmann and Christopher Boelmann and V. Matkovic and M. Wander and Torben Weis
    Identifying TV Channels & On-Demand Videos using Ambient Light Sensors
    In: Pervasive Mob. Comput.
  • M. Wander and Christopher Boelmann and Torben Weis
    Domain Name System Without Root Servers
    In: CRiSIS
  • Boelmann, Christopher and Schwittmann, Lorenz and Waltereit, Marian and Wander, Matthäus and Weis, Torben
    Application-level determinism in distributed systems
    In: 22nd IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems: Proceedings

2016 (1)

  • Lorenz Schwittmann and V. Matkovic and M. Wander and Torben Weis
    Video recognition using ambient light sensors
    In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)

2014 (6)

  • Lorenz Schwittmann and M. Wander and Christopher Boelmann and Torben Weis
    Privacy Preservation in Decentralized Online Social Networks
    In: IEEE Internet Computing
  • M. Wander and Christopher Boelmann and Lorenz Schwittmann and Torben Weis
    Measurement of Globally Visible DNS Injection
    In: IEEE Access
  • M. Wander and Lorenz Schwittmann and Christopher Boelmann and Torben Weis
    GPU-Based NSEC3 Hash Breaking
    In: 2014 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications
  • Christopher Boelmann and Lorenz Schwittmann and Torben Weis
    Deterministic Synchronization of Multi-threaded Programs with Operational Transformation
    In: 2014 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops
  • Liu Zhongtao and Torben Weis
    CAN Tree Routing for Content-Addressable Network
  • Weis, Torben and Boelmann, Christopher
    Automatismen zur Strukturbildung und Selbst-Organisation in verteilten Systemen
    In: Logiken strukturbildender Prozesse: Automatismen

2013 (3)

  • Lorenz Schwittmann and Christopher Boelmann and M. Wander and Torben Weis
    SoNet -- Privacy and Replication in Federated Online Social Networks
    In: 2013 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops
  • M. Wander and Torben Weis
    Measuring Occurrence of DNSSEC Validation
    In: PAM
  • Christopher Boelmann and Torben Weis
    Development of Efficient Role-Based Sensor Network Applications with Excel Spreadsheets
    In: 2013 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems

2012 (5)

  • Zhongtao Li and Torben Weis
    Using zone code to manage a Content-Addressable Network for Distributed Simulations
    In: 2012 IEEE 14th International Conference on Communication Technology
  • Bietenbeck, Felix and Zimmermann, Herbert and Weis, Torben and Pauli, Josef and Herwig, Johannes
    Two-dimensional symbol code and method for reading the symbol code: Patent US 20120145779 A1
  • Christopher Boelmann and Torben Weis and M. Engel and A. Wacker
    Self-Stabilizing Micro Controller for Large-Scale Sensor Networks in Spite of Program Counter Corruptions Due to Soft Errors
    In: 2012 IEEE 18th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems
  • M. Wander and S. Holzapfel and A. Wacker and Torben Weis
    NTALG - TCP NAT traversal with application-level gateways
    In: 2012 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC)
  • S. Holzapfel and A. Wacker and Torben Weis and M. Wander
    An architecture for complex P2P systems
    In: 2012 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC)

2011 (8)

  • S. Holzapfel and Sebastian Schuster and Torben Weis
    VoroStore -- A Secure and Reliable Data Storage for Peer-to-Peer-Based MMVEs
    In: 2011 IEEE 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology
  • S. Holzapfel and M. Wander and A. Wacker and Torben Weis
    SYNI - TCP Hole Punching Based on SYN Injection
    In: 2011 IEEE 10th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications
  • Torben Weis and A. Wacker
    Self-stabilizing embedded systems
    In: OC '11
  • Helge Parzyjegla and A. Schröter and Enrico Seib and S. Holzapfel and M. Wander and Jan Richling and A. Wacker and Hans-Ulrich Heiß and Gero Mühl and Torben Weis
    Model-Driven Development of Self-organising Control Applications
    In: Organic Computing
  • Torben Weis and A. Wacker
    Federating Websites with the Google Wave Protocol
    In: IEEE Internet Computing
  • Sebastian Schuster and Torben Weis
    Enforcing game rules in untrusted P2P-based MMVEs
    In: SimuTools
  • M. Wander and Torben Weis and A. Wacker
    Detecting Opportunistic Cheaters in Volunteer Computing
    In: 2011 Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN)
  • S. Holzapfel and M. Wander and A. Wacker and Lorenz Schwittmann and Torben Weis
    A New Protocol to Determine the NAT Characteristics of a Host
    In: 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing Workshops and Phd Forum

2010 (1)

  • M. Wander and A. Wacker and Torben Weis
    Towards peer-to-peer-based cryptanalysis
    In: IEEE Local Computer Network Conference

2009 (5)

  • Torben Weis and A. Wacker and Sebastian Schuster and S. Holzapfel
    Towards Logical Clocks in P2P-based MMVEs
    In: Electron. Commun. Eur. Assoc. Softw. Sci. Technol.
  • Martin Saternus and Torben Weis and S. Holzapfel and A. Wacker
    Gears4Net An Asynchronous Programming Model
    In: 2009 International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops
  • Sebastian Schuster and A. Wacker and Torben Weis
    Fighting Cheating in P2P-based MMVEs with Disjoint Path Routing
    In: Electron. Commun. Eur. Assoc. Softw. Sci. Technol.
  • Torben Weis and A. Wacker and Sebastian Schuster and S. Holzapfel
    Electronic Communications of the EASST Volume 17 ( 2009 ) Workshops der Wissenschaftlichen Konferenz Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 2009 ( WowKiVS 2009 ) Towards Logical Clocks in P 2 P-based MMVEs
  • Mirko Knoll and Matthias Helling and A. Wacker and S. Holzapfel and Torben Weis
    Bootstrapping Peer-to-Peer Systems Using IRC
    In: 2009 18th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises

2008 (6)

  • A. Wacker and G. Schiele and Sebastian Schuster and Torben Weis
    Towards an authentication service for Peer-to-Peer based Massively Multiuser Virtual Environments
    In: Int. J. Adv. Media Commun.
  • Torben Weis and A. Wacker
    Self-stabilizing Automata
    In: BICC
  • Mirko Knoll and Haitham Abbadi and Torben Weis
    Replication in Peer-to-Peer Systems
    In: IWSOS
  • Helge Parzyjegla and Michael A. Jaeger and Gero Mühl and Torben Weis
    Model-Driven Development and Adaptation of Autonomous Control Applications
    In: IEEE Distributed Systems Online
  • Mirko Knoll and A. Wacker and G. Schiele and Torben Weis
    Bootstrapping in Peer-to-Peer Systems
    In: 2008 14th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems
  • A. Wacker and G. Schiele and S. Holzapfel and Torben Weis
    A NAT Traversal Mechanism for Peer-To-Peer Networks
    In: 2008 Eighth International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing

2007 (7)

  • Andreas Heil and Mirko Knoll and Torben Weis
    The Internet of Things - Context-based Device Federations
    In: 2007 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'07)
  • Saternus, Martin and Knoll, Mirko and Dürr, Frank and Weis, Torben
    Symstry: ein P2P-System für Ortsbezogene Anwendungen
    In: KIVS 2007: Kommunikation in verteilten Systemen : 15. ITG-GI-Fachtagung vom 26. Februar bis 2. März 2007 in Bern, Schweiz ; Industriebeiträge, Kurzbeiträge und Workshops
  • G. Schiele and Richard Süselbeck and A. Wacker and Jörg Hähner and C. Becker and Torben Weis
    Requirements of Peer-to-Peer-based Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming
    In: Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid '07)
  • Torben Weis and Mirko Knoll and Andreas Ulbrich and Gero Mühl and Alexander Brändle
    Rapid Prototyping for Pervasive Applications
    In: IEEE Pervasive Computing
  • Mirko Knoll and A. Wacker and G. Schiele and Torben Weis
    Decentralized Bootstrapping in Pervasive Applications
    In: Fifth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerComW'07)
  • Helge Parzyjegla and Michael A. Jaeger and Gero Mühl and Torben Weis
    A Model-driven Approach to the Development of Autonomous Control Applications ⋆
  • Martin Saternus and Torben Weis and Mirko Knoll and Frank Dürr
    A Middleware for Context-Aware Applications and Services Based on Messenger Protocols
    In: Fifth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerComW'07)

2006 (8)

  • Torben Weis and C. Becker and Alexander Brändle
    Towards a Programming Paradigm for Pervasive Applications based on the Ambient Calculus
  • Torben Weis and Martin Saternus and Mirko Knoll and Alexander Brändle and Marco Combetto
    Towards a general purpose user interface for service-oriented context-aware applications
    In: CAI '06
  • Torben Weis and Helge Parzyjegla and Michael A. Jaeger and Gero Mühl
    Self-organizing and Self-stabilizing Role Assignment in Sensor/Actuator Networks
    In: OTM Conferences
  • Mirko Knoll and Torben Weis and Andreas Ulbrich and Alexander Brändle
    Scripting Your Home
    In: LoCA
  • Mirko Knoll and Torben Weis
    Optimizing Locality for Self-organizing Context-Based Systems
    In: IWSOS/EuroNGI
  • Andreas Heil and I. Moradi and Torben Weis
    LCARS: the next generation programming context
    In: CAI '06
  • Torben Weis and M. Handte and Mirko Knoll and C. Becker
    Customizable pervasive applications
    In: Fourth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PERCOM'06)
  • Mirko Knoll and Torben Weis
    A P2P-Framework for Context-Based Information

2005 (2)

  • Gero Mühl and Michael A. Jaeger and Klaus Herrmann and Torben Weis and Andreas Ulbrich and L. Fiege
    Self-stabilizing Publish/Subscribe Systems: Algorithms and Evaluation
    In: Euro-Par
  • Sebastian Golze and Gero Mühl and Torben Weis
    How to Configure Proof-of-Work Functions to Stop Spam
    In: Sicherheit

2004 (4)

  • Torben Weis and Andreas Ulbrich and K. Geihs and C. Becker
    Quality of service in middleware and applications: a model-driven approach
    In: Proceedings. Eighth IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, 2004. EDOC 2004.
  • Andreas Ulbrich and Gero Mühl and Torben Weis and K. Geihs
    Programming Abstractions for Content-Based Publish/Subscribe in Object-Oriented Languages
  • Torben Weis
    Model-driven development of QoS-enabled distributed applications
  • Gero Mühl and Andreas Ulbrich and Klaus Herrmann and Torben Weis
    Disseminating information to mobile clients using publish-subscribe
    In: IEEE Internet Computing

2003 (7)

  • Torben Weis and Andreas Ulbrich and K. Geihs
    Quality of service engineering with UML, .NET, and CORBA
    In: 25th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2003. Proceedings.
  • Andreas Ulbrich and Torben Weis and K. Geihs
    QoS mechanism composition at design-time and runtime
    In: 23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, 2003. Proceedings.
  • Torben Weis and N. Plouzeau and G. Amorós and Petr Donth and K. Geihs and J. Jézéquel and A. Sassen
    QCCS: Quality Controlled Component-Based Software Development
  • A. Sassen and G. Amorós and Petr Donth and K. Geihs and J. Jézéquel and N. Plouzeau and Torben Weis
    QCCS: A methodology for the development of contract-aware components based on Aspect Oriented Design
  • Torben Weis and Andreas Ulbrich and K. Geihs
    Model Metamorphosis
    In: IEEE Softw.
  • Andreas Ulbrich and Torben Weis and K. Geihs and C. Becker
    DotQoS: a QoS extension for .NET remoting
    In: IWQoS'03
  • Tom Ritter and M. Born and Thomas Unterschütz and Torben Weis
    A QoS metamodel and its realization in a CORBA component
    In: 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of the

2002 (1)

  • J. Jézéquel and N. Plouzeau and Torben Weis and K. Geihs
    From contracts to aspects in uml designs

2001 (1)

  • Torben Weis and C. Becker and K. Geihs and N. Plouzeau
    A UML Meta-model for Contract Aware Components
    In: UML

2000 (2)

  • Markus Konstroffer and Torben Weis and Sabine Braun
    OpenSource in Electronic Commerce - A Comparative Analysis
    In: EC-Web
  • Torben Weis and K. Geihs
    Components on the desktop
    In: Proceedings 33rd International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems TOOLS 33


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SoSe 2020

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SoSe 2018

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SoSe 2017

WiSe 16/17

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WiSe 14/15

Torben Weis




  • Gebäude BC, Raum 407
  • Bismarckstr. 90, 47057 Duisburg


Nach Vereinbarung


since 06/2019

Co-founder and partner of RheinByteSystems GmbH with focus on secure cloud-computing

since 01/2013

Head of an engineering office for IT-security and web technology

since 10/2012

Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Engineering

01/2007 - 12/2009

Co-founder and partner of the start-up PicoScrie

since 12/2006

Professor for Distributed Systems, University of Duisburg-Essen

07/2005 - 12/2006

Leader of DFG Emmy-Noether Researchgroup "Development Tools for Context-based Systems" (EKS), University Stuttgart

04/2005 - 07/2005

Visiting Professor for Distributed Systems, University of Duisburg-Essen

05/2004 - 05/2005

Scholarship of Deutsche Telekom Stiftung, TU Berlin


Received the title Dr.-Ing. at TU Berlin (with distinction) on the topic "Model-driven development of QoS-enabled distributed applications"

09/2001 - 04/2004

PhD-student and scientific assistant, TU Berlin

01/2001 - 09/2001

PhD-student and scientific assistant, J.W.G. University Frankfurt am Main


Diploma in Computer Science and Physics as subsidiary subject, J.W.G. Universita?t Frankfurt am Main

1999 - 2000

Senior Software Engineer at Trolltech/AS Oslo