VS at IEEE PerCom 2024
The Distributed Systems Group visited the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications in Biarritz, France from March 11 - 15, 2024.
During the Workshop Tracks, Peter Zdankin and Malte Josten successfully organized and presented the 3rd International Workshop on Negative Results in Pervasive Computing (PerFail 2024). It included presentations of six peer-reviewed publications as well as a keynote by Prof. Dr. Janick Edinger from the University of Hamburg, and, thanks to the lively participation of other interested researchers, it also facilitated active discussions and a promising exchange.

© Distributed Systems Group
Additionally, Peter Zdankin presented the poster of his paper Towards Predicting the Perceived Brightness in a Smart Home Through Symbolic Regression during the Work-in-Progress session as part of the conference’s maintrack.