Ph.D. Student
Building BC, Room 204
Bismarckstr. 90
47057 Duisburg, Germany
fon: +49 (0) 203/379-2203
email: maximilian.uphoff(at)uni-due.de
X.509 Key: 0x19EA7E7477AD94
Consultation hour: by appointment
Brief CV
05/2017 |
Master of Science in Applied Computer Science, University of Duisburg-Essen |
since 09/2014 |
Research assistant, Distributed Systems Group, Universität Duisburg-Essen |
09/2014 |
Bachelor of Science in Applied Computer Science, University of Duisburg-Essen |
10/2011 - 05/2017 |
Study of Computer Science, Universität Duisburg-Essen |
Viktor Matkovic, Marian Waltereit, Peter Zdankin, Maximilian Uphoff, Torben Weis:
Poster: Bike Type Identification Using Smartphone Sensors (Poster Session).
2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and
Ubiquitous Computing and the 2019 International Symposium on Wearable
UbiComp/ISWC '19 Adjunct,
London, United Kingdom, September 9-13, 2019.
Torben Weis, Marian Waltereit, Maximilian Uphoff:
Fyr: A Memory-safe and Thread-safe Systems Programming Language.
34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing,
SAC '19, Limassol, Cyprus, April 8-12, 2019.
Marian Waltereit, Maximilian Uphoff, Torben Weis:
Route Derivation Using Distances and Turn Directions.
ACM Workshop on Automotive Cybersecurity, AutoSec 2019,
held in conjunction with the 9th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy, CODASPY 2019,
Richardson, Texas, USA, March 25-27, 2019.
Marian Waltereit, Maximilian Uphoff, Torben Weis:
Herleitung von Fahrtstrecken aus Distanz- und Kurvenbewegungsdaten.
In: Proff H. (eds) Mobilität in Zeiten der Veränderung. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, 2019.
Maximilian Uphoff, Matthäus Wander, Torben Weis, Marian Waltereit:
SecureCloud: An Encrypted, Scalable Storage for Cloud Forensics.
4th International Workshop on Cloud Security and Forensics, WCSF 2018,
held in conjunction with the 17th IEEE International
Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And
Communications, IEEE TrustCom-18,
New York, USA, July 31 – August 3, 2018.
- Course „Sicherheit in Kommunikationsnetzen (Fernstudiengang) - Online Master EIT“ (Winter 2018/2019, Summer 2018, Winter 2017/2018, Summer 2017, Winter 2016/2017)
- Course „Rechnernetze und Kommunikationssysteme (Fernstudiengang) - Online Master EIT“ (Winter 2017/2018)
Supervised Theses
- Martin Kasprzyk: Classification of accelerometer-data for movement recognition (Bachelor, May 2018).
- Marvin Strauch: Automatisierte Analyse und Optimierung von Störungsdaten der Deutschen Bahn mit Hilfe von Text Mining und Machine Learning (Bachelor, April 2018).
- Maciel Plath: Design and Implementation of a test system for collecting, storing and processing location-related data in geosocial networks (Bachelor, March 2018).
Research InterestsConnected and Autonomous Vehicles, Distributed Filesystems, Big Data Security and Privacy
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